
“Bush Wants War; We Don’t …”

Le Nouvel Observateur. Are we on the verge of war or is negotiation still possible over your nuclear program? Manouchehr Mottaki. I am a career diplomat. Consequently, I must, as a matter of principle, answer you: no; we are not…

Iran: The Permanent Coup d’Etat

While the international community’s threats are getting more precise with respect to Iran, does Supreme Guide of the Islamic Republic Ali Khamenei envisage sacrificing his intransigent president Ahmadinejad on the altar of Western demands? In this country that has erected…

Iran : le coup d’Etat permanent

Alors que les menaces de la communauté internationale se font de plus en plus précises sur l’Iran, Ali Khamenei, le Guide suprême de la République islamique, envisage-t-il de sacrifier son intransigeant président Ahmadinejad sur l’autel des exigences occidentales ? Dans…

The Blackwater scandal in Iraq.

How is it that private companies like Blackwater operate in Iraq, in Afghanistan and elsewhere? Mercenaries are not a new phenomenon. But after September 11, there was an explosion of private militias because the American Army found itself stretched too…

Pakistan: The Rule of the Taliban

She kidnaps and imprisons Pakistani citizens in the name of Islamic morality. She has the police beaten up and holds them prisoner. And with her husband, the mullah of the Red Mosque – the oldest mosque in Islamabad – she…

Interview : Sarah Halifa-Legrand

Sarah Halifa-Legrand: Barely back in Pakistan after an eight-year exile, former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto just escaped a double attack, at present still not claimed, that killed at least 133 and wounded at least 248. Who wants her dead? Sara…

Pakistan : La loi des talibans

Par faiblesse face aux fous d’Allah qui contrôlent un nombre croissant de mosquées et d’écoles coraniques, mais aussi par calcul politique à courte vue, le général-président pakistanais Pervez Musharraf, incapable d’entreprendre la démocratisation promise des institutions, a laissé son pays…